Debrielle T. Jacques, PhD

Assistant Professor | Clinical Child Psychology | University of Washington

About Me

 Hello! I am Dr. Debrielle Jacques, an Assistant Professor of Child Clinical Psychology at the University of Washington. Research-wise, I am broadly interested in a) the developmental effects of parent psychopathology and b) childhood risk, resilience, developmental psychopathology, and general child development in adverse family environments. Specifically, I am interested in studying how and why addiction (especially among mothers) impacts parenting - including parent social cognition, parenting attributions,  parenting behavior, and parent-child interactions - and consequently, child development, including the development of psychological problems. In studying children of mothers with substance use disorders, I am also interested in better understanding the underlying function of the strategies children use to navigate these family environments, including a) how children calibrate and adjust these strategies to environmental changes over time (e.g. increasing levels of domestic violence in the home), and b) understanding when, why, and how these strategies become maladaptive and harmful to children's long-term psychological development. Questions I hope to further explore include:
  • What mechanisms explain the links between addiction, parenting deficits, and child psychopathology?
  • What factors moderate or mediate the impact of a mother's addiction on her child's development?
  • How do children of mothers with substance use disorders navigate or cope with their developmental environments? 
  • What can be done to buffer or protect children of parents with substance use disorders from developing psychological problems? Relatedly, what factors steer these children toward positive, optimal psychological outcomes?
  • What do Black and Latino/a/x mothers with substance use disorders need to thrive as parents? What are their and their children's unique needs, challenges, and experiences?
 Please visit my other pages for cool and interesting content and to learn more about my research (including current projects), teaching, and service work!


Debrielle Jacques

Please email me if you would like to chat!

Department of Psychology

University of Washington

Curriculum vitae