Debrielle T. Jacques, PhD

Assistant Professor | Clinical Child Psychology | University of Washington


Maternal alcohol dependence symptoms, maternal insensitivity to child distress, and young children's blunted emotional reactivity

Debrielle T. Jacques, Melissa L. Sturge-Apple, Patrick T. Davies, Dante Cicchetti

Development and Psychopathology, 2024

Parsing alcohol-dependent mothers insensitivity to child distress: Longitudinal links with children's affective and anxiety problems

Debrielle T. Jacques, Melissa L. Sturge-Apple, Patrick T. Davies, Dante Cicchetti

Developmental Psychology, vol. 57(6), 2021, pp. 900-912

Maternal Power Assertive Discipline and Children's Adjustment in High-Risk Families: A Social Domain Theory Approach

Melissa L. Sturge-Apple, Debrielle T. Jacques, Patrick T. Davies, Dante Cicchetti

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2021, pp. 1-12

Maternal alcohol dependence and harsh caregiving across parenting contexts: The moderating role of child negative emotionality

Debrielle T. Jacques, Melissa L. Sturge-Apple, Patrick T. Davies, Dante Cicchetti

Development and Psychopathology, vol. 32(4), 2020, pp. 1509-1523